Robbi Hartford​

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I am an author for, the largest online nursing community, under the user name RobbiRN. My stated purpose is to push back against the forces that assail common sense in our workplace.

My first book, "Anonymous Complaint," which was inspired by actual events, has been well-reviewed at Amazon and Goodreads. 

My second book is slated for for publication February 22, 2019. 
ADWON: A Day Without Nurses is a provocative, near-future portrayal of two women who change the course of history by confronting our national disgrace: Every three minutes, someone in the U.S. dies from inadequate access to healthcare. 
Lola Jepson is a fearless, street-smart woman recruited by an esoteric employer using facial recognition technology to find a credible face to become a persuasive avatar, "the face of ADWON." Lola does some impressive interviews, seduces the public with a few viral clips, and the controversial movement takes off. ADWON’s media guru uses innovative software to increase Lola’s levels of persuasion but finds he can't improve on her inherent passion as the movement becomes her own.
Robbi Hartford is a dedicated ER RN battling Cherri Knowles, the new nursing VP with a background in business hired to “clean up the money side.” Robbi defies micro-management's new priorities by putting the needs of her patients above financial goals. Cherri tells her to resign, but Robbi refuses. "When everything else in the system is failing our patients, nurses are their last line of defense. It’s a matter of honor.”
Lola and Robbi discover that they are connected by more than an uncanny resemblance and a common goal. Their paths converge, danger escalates, and passion runs high on both sides of the debate. As the countdown to A Day Without Nurses hits single digits, everyone must calculate the cost of human life.
The world as I see it:
The majority of the people in our world are decent enough, kind most of the time, and want the same things. Good people are not all good, and bad people are not all bad.​
Healthcare Providers
Most of us chose this profession because we care about people and we like to help. We don't need to be pushed to increase patient satisfaction. It's in our genes. It's why we signed up. 
Top HEAVY and out of touch. Overregualtion, greed, and litigation have largely destroyed comon sense, making the delivery of healthcare clumsy and inequitable.
